Companies use infographics for good reason: they’re effective vehicles for conveying important information quickly in an easily-digestible, attractive, persuasive, and memorable way.
The main draw of an infographic, of course, is the graphics. If it’s unattractive, the images don’t make sense, or if it includes way too much information and too little white space, you might as well create a document instead. Your infographic must, first and foremost, look good.
But looks alone will not educate, entertain, or illuminate your audience. They will not present survey data, simplify a complicated subject, explain how something works, show comparisons, highlight interesting facts, raise awareness, or inform consumers on their own. Your infographic also has to have substance. Good content. Meaningful text.
To do that, you must have:
1. Good data. The information is the most important part of your infographic. That could require lots of research, but don’t let that deter you.
Your argument, explanation, or description is dependent on good information. It might be a small detail that really knocks your audience’s socks off, so take your time and make sure you’re giving your infographic its proper value.
2. Reliable sources. It’s not hard to find a list of statistics or instructions on just about anything, but that doesn’t mean the sources are trustworthy and the information is accurate. If the list doesn’t identify the source of the statistic, skip it, no matter how juicy the data is. If a source is referenced, check it out for yourself. Your infographic is supposed to help establish you as an authority on the subject at hand. Some of your readers will want to see the original source for themselves, and if it ends up being something bogus, your credibility is shot.
3. Relevant content. Your data not only has to be good and from a strong source, but it also has to matter to your audience. No matter how fascinating you think your facts are, if they won’t help your audience in one way or another, it won’t matter to them, and they won’t read it. Consider issues your industry is having or common problems your market struggles with. Think about what interests them and what moves them to act.
Infographics, when done well, not only provide valuable information to your audience, but they also make excellent—and easily shareable—pieces of publicity, so make sure you include your company’s name and contact information on your work.