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AMi Direct

AMiable Solution #325: 7 Ways to Keep Your Website Active and Interesting

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Keeping your website “fresh” not only inspires visitors to check back for new content and updates, but it also gives you a chance to provide value without a sales pitch.

Energize your website with these customer-friendly and interactive activities:

1. Add a blog and update it regularly. Providing a steady feed of useful information will build your authority, increase your clients’ loyalty, and generate confidence in you with prospects.

2. Add new customer testimonials on a regular basis. Prospects want to know that they can count on you, and valued customers love to help trusted vendors. Solicit feedback from clients on a regular basis, and be sure to ask permission to use particularly insightful or impactful comments.

3. Add a “news” section to your home page or menu bar. Keep readers up-to-date not only on changes in your policies or procedures, but also on changes in the industry that impact your clients.

4. Add useful pages like FAQs, checklists, user guides, etc. You have a wealth of specialized knowledge. Share it!

5. Include a call to action on each page. It could be as simple as “Call for more information” or something more engaging, such as “Sign up for our email updates and receive a free project checklist.”

6. Add internal links. Directing readers to other pages on your website will not only keep them engaged longer, but it will also help them navigate your site and understand your business better.

7. Create an “insider’s page” that includes a new special tip or discount every month. Make the page available only to current email subscribers or to customers who sign up and create an email profile.

Don’t let your efforts go to waste, and don’t let readers find your new features by chance. Drive traffic to your website by promoting your updated web features in your print marketing, email marketing, and social media accounts.

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