Would you believe that the picture is mightier than the word? According to Mike Goldberg, it is. In his April 15, 2015, article for the Content Marketing Institute, Goldberg reports that 90% of the information sent to the brain is visual, and images are processed 600,000 times faster than text.
That’s why it’s so important that you not only include pictures and graphics in your marketing, but that you also pick the right images.
What kind of pictures should you use?
Pictures that connect with people on an emotional level.
Pictures that “show” what your text says.
Pictures that show your product in use, not just sitting on a black background.
Pictures that show your employees at work.
Pictures that show people receiving or benefiting from donations or services.
But not just any picture—or people—will do. Goldberg claims that, “Real-life people in natural settings drove a 45% higher click-through rate and generated 15 times more shares than models in posed, studio environments.”
His advice? “When crafting your story, you’re using words to be honest and evoke real emotions. You should do the same with the images you use. Try to source real photos from blogs and social media to support your content versus stock photos that end up hurting your narrative.”
But the impact of a carefully-selected picture isn’t limited to standard marketing material alone. In his blog, “6 Powerful Reasons Why you Should include Images in your Marketing,” Jeff Bullas claims that articles with images get 94% more total views, press releases with a photo and a video get 45% more views, and 60% of consumers are more likely to consider a contact or a business when an image shows up in local search results.
Before you send out your next campaign, check the pictures. Do they support the tone and message of your text? Do you draw your audience in with the right emotional appeal? If not, take time to refocus your photos.